10 Reasons Having a Logo is So Important for Your Business

A large part of the job of a designer is helping a client to realise the full value in having a good, solid and well presented logo. Often, and especially in small or startup businesses, budget is a major factor in the decision making process. It’s understandable that the business owner might hesitate to spend good money on what, to some, is at first glance simply a little picture featuring the company name.

Phew. Even as I typed that last bit I could feel my hands fighting against me.

Of course, a logo isn’t just a little picture featuring the company name. Well, I mean, it sortof is, if you want to really strip a logo down and take away its real meaning and look at it from a distance. With squinted eyes. In a dark room. But in reality, a logo is so much more that that – in fact it’s an absolutely essential and highly valuable business asset that any business would be wise to invest in as soon as budget allows.

Here are 10 reasons why having a logo is essential for your business.

First Impressions

When potential business comes your way, first impressions count. It’s entirely possible – in fact it’s almost a certainty – that you’re not the only provider of a particular service that somebody is looking for. Rest assured, they’re also looking directly at your competitors. As such their first impression of you needs to be a good one, and the first thing they will see will often be your logo. This could mean the difference between getting a new lead or getting left out.


People react faster to images than text. The brain will process shapes and colours rapidly, sending signals to the brain that immediately conjure up any associated feelings, thoughts, memories and emotions. The more simple the shapes and colours, the quicker this happens. Brand recognition is paramount if you want both existing and potential customers to see a logo, colour or both, and instantly think of you and you alone.


This one is easy – if you want your customers to see you as a professional business, you need a professional image. The starting point here is a great logo, supported by a great brand identity. If you’re using a poorly rendered stock image or a copied logo from a DIY logo generator, then you just stop it. You just stop it now, you.

Brand Loyalty

In a world of choices and multiple service providers peddling almost identical wares, brand loyalty is where you need the edge. When given a choice between your company and an almost identical one up the road, you want your customers and clients to come back to you simply because its you, and you’ve never let them down before. A great brand will help towards solidifying this loyalty, giving your customers something visual to connect with and hold onto.


We now live in a time where a business exists on multiple platforms. Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, blogs, business cards, leaflets, info packs… your business identity is going to be rubber-stamped everywhere. Some form of consistency is absolutely essential here, ensuring that your brand is represented correctly and clearly everywhere it appears. This consistency will help ensure you maintain that professional look and increase the effectiveness of that juicy brand loyalty that needs to be built up.


Your logo will speak to people in ways that your words cannot. It will stand in for you when you’re not around, it represents you and your business, and it speaks on your behalf. Make sure that it’s saying the right things.

Set Yourself Apart

In a sea of competition, everybody is trying to make the biggest wave. Many of your competitors are quite probably sporting amazing logos and brands, while many others are not. When it comes to the crunch every advantage counts, and you’d do very well to stay ahead of the curve with a logo that knocks people’s socks off. Stand out, be bold and show potential customers that you’re better than the other guy, simply because you’re prettier.

Communicate a Message

All design shares a single goal – to communicate a message as efficiently as possible. If the message is that your business provides a fast, reliable and friendly service, how will your logo communicate this quickly and effectively? Your logo designer will know.

Establish Ownership

Your logo is yours. Nobody else should be using it. It is an official seal of ownership, stating that anywhere somebody can see this mark your company is present in an official capacity. As such a great logo should be unique, innovative and unmistakably identifiable.


After spending so long being surrounded by the Nikes and the Apples and the IBMs of the world, we have come to expect a business to have some form of professional identity in the form of, at the very least, a proper logo. If a business doesn’t even have this fundamental asset, why would we sign up with them? With no logo, all of the above points have been left out in the cold, and no real heart has yet been put into the development, care and maintenance of that company’s front facing visuals. You might not actively think this (perhaps unless you’re a designer) but something close to this thought process is definitely happening, and this will ultimately have a large effect on the decision to either call your company, or one of your competitors.

We are specialised on professional logo design. If your business doesn’t yet have a logo, or even if it has one but needs some improvements or changes, have a look at our logo & branding case studies & let us know. As you hopefully have learned from the above, a logo isn’t something that your business just pays for and forgets; it’s an asset that you invest in, and that can offer an exceptional return on over time if done correctly and with care by a professional designer.